Monday, November 14, 2011

Selfish vs. Selfless

Something I’ve been thinking a lot about is the whole idea of selfishness vs. selflessness.  I've been pondering how it is we are truly called to live.  Wondering how much “stuff” is too much and how much is the right amount.  Wondering how it is we’re able to truly love those around us.   How do we justify what we have and what we continue to buy when there are others not too far away who are dying with nothing. What’s the level of comfort that’s fair for us to exist in, and what would be a good point to start our giving at?

I don’t really have the words to express my thoughts yet…all I know is that it’s a big topic.  I have no easy answer…just the thought that we all need to thinking about it more. And then doing something about it.

Food for Thought:
At Kids Zone this month we’re running a contest and have challenged the kids to help raise money to buy gifts for families around the world with Children’s Camps International.  Last week on of the leaders was talking to a little boy who had brought some coins.  It turns out he had earned his money by making paper air planes at school and selling them.  

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

More thoughts to come later… when it all makes more sense…

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