Sunday, January 13, 2008

First week after Christmas!

So, i've been back in bc for 12 days now, and im slowly getting used to it again. We have had a Pentateuch class, gone skating, had youth and church, and done a lot of just hanging out. The class was good, but long. We did a sweet project for it too, we made a infomercial for "The Bibleland Game".
Being back has taken some getting used too, its just different being around everyone again, on the island.
Being in youth and church was so good though. Seeing all those people again was fun, and it reminded me how many people i have gotten to know through this all. In youth it was dinner and a movie so we had an italian meal and watched Ratatouille. Church today was about tithing and was also a sweet view on it.
As a kaleo group we are also all preparing for our mission trips, and as team vancouver we have a meeting coming up to learn some more about our trip. But first, tomorrow at 530 we all leave for Mt. Washington for 5 days of snowboarding and hanging out together. So im gona get ready for that!

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